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 Center for Accessible Technology 40 Years of Service


We gratefully accept any donations to help keep C4AT providing the high quality services we are known for.

Donations assist us in maintaining our low and no cost services, which are particularly important to low-income families. We strive to never turn anyone away for lack of funds, and donations help us achieve this goal.

We have had over Over 9,000 beneficiaries. We also accept donations in the form of stocks. Please contact us for more information.

Any amount can make a difference. If you'd like to make a donation to support our work, you can send your check to:

The Center for Accessible Technology

3075 Adeline, Suite 220

Berkeley, CA 94703

Tax Deductions

Donations to C4AT are tax deductible, and we recommend that donors consult a used computer store or newspaper to assess fair market value of used equipment.

In accordance with IRS regulations, we will provide you with a thank-you letter to serve as a receipt.